Consult 5
Environment and Development Consultants
Although we refer to climate models, we specialise in analysing a range
of paleo-environmental data from international data banks to reconstruct past
local environmental conditions. We associate
this information with various atmospheric systems, celestial mechanics and
solar data, and analyse it using time series methods to reconstruct past
environmental conditions and climate. Using
this approach, we develop more robust future climate-environmental scenarios
based on past evidence specific to the region of a given project than climate
models alone can provide.
Consult 5 has specialists in climate change analysis and the
identification of regional climate induced hazards such as droughts, flooding,
extreme storms and wildfires. Each specialist has over 20 years of climatology and environmental experience in
academics, government, industry and working with the UN IPCC and IEA
GHG R&D programme. Consult 5 provides
governments and project developers with information on long-term climate variability
and on the frequency, magnitude and range of climate induced hazards and
associated environmental effects.
The Consult 5 interest is in providing government, developers and
engineers with useful information that will assist with planning and adaption for
future climate change where it is necessary.
Our approach is pragmatic and strives to provide real working input information
allowing engineers to work with realistic predictions and confidence bands. This allows government and project decisions to be made with confidence and capital resources to be used effectively.
Europe - Finland, Norway, Netherlands, United
- Canada
- USA – Alaska, Colorado Plateau, Northern and Southern Plains
- Greenland
- Mongolia
- West Africa - Sahel Region
- South Africa.
Sustainability in the Soudo-Sahel: Climate Change and the Application of
Traditional Knowledge to Enhance Agricultural Productivity, by: Diane L. Douglas, Jeffrey A. Homburg, and Mark Vendrig.
- 10 000 Year Climate Scenario development for a new
uranium mine in Nunavut.
- Climate change report for a long term ground
freezing project in Yellowknife, Canada.
- Climate change report for a mine closure plan in
Whitehorse, Canada.
Lectures Presented on Climate Change and Risk Preparedness:
Cultural Heritage Administration (Seoul, Korea,
- United Nations International Strategy for
Disaster Reduction (Geneva, Switzerland, 2011).
- World Bank Lecture Series (Washington, D.C.,
- Ename Center /UNESCO (Belgium, 2009).
- ICOMOS General Assembly (New Orleans, 2009).
Lectures and Presentations:
Cultural Heritage Administrations, Korean Society for
Heritage Policy (scheduled for, 9 February 2012). Lessons and Challenges of Heritage Safety
Experiences: Integrating climate change analyses and hazard risk reduction
planning into national, regional and local plans.
- Global
Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland, May 8 to 13, 2011.
- Cultural
Heritage Administrations, Korean Society for Heritage Policy (scheduled for, 9
February 2012). Lessons and Challenges
of Heritage Safety Experiences: integrating climate change analyses and hazard
risk reduction planning into national, regional and local plans.
- Global
Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, Switzerland, May 8 to 13, 2011.
- Mitigating Climate Change Impacts on Critical Assets and World Heritage Sites.
- World Bank Lecture Series, Washington D.C., February
2010. Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Climate Change.
World Heritage Center 5th International Ename Colloquim: Climates of Heritage
Conservation, in Ghent, Belgium March 20, 2009.
Climate Change and Social Adaptation: how the past can inform the future.
- 12th US/ICOMOS
International Symposium, New Orleans, USA, March 2009. Floods, Fires, and
Earthquakes: Hazard Mitigation Planning to Minimize the Adverse Effects of
Natural Disasters on Heritage Resources.
INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia. August 2007. Future Climate Change:
Implications for Radioactive Waste.
- American
Anthropological Association, Critical Intersections/Dangerous Issues, San Jose,
California. November 2006. Sustainable
Development and Cultural Identity.